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NNN: все, что касается музыкальных перформансов

Ответов - 8 новых

NNN: Ayako Kato: Ten Nights Dream (Short Version) Ayako Kato and Jason Roebke

NNN: Live Painting, Tillie Bill McHenry, saxophone RJ Miller, drums Dred Scott, piano Artist assistant, Bauman Hastie

komuso: Произвело впечатление, что перформанс Ayako Kato and Jason Roebke снят в католической церкви: на заднем фоне иконостас и орган у католиков вообще заведено использовать церковь как клуб - концерты там проводить

NNN: "without records" - Otomo Yoshihide YCAM "Otomo Yoshihide / ENSEMBLES" 2008.7.5-10.13 "without records" Otomo Yoshihide+Yasutomo Aoyama In this installation, there are about over a hundred portable record players without records. In the space, turntables scattered everywhere, high and low, right and left, produce noises by the rotating friction, resonating in multilayer. Quiet, low-fi sounds form groups and change the entire image of sounds. This works provide people with an opportunity to reconsider the meaning, possibilities, and historical significance of sound art composed of records and turntables, which are being consigned to oblivion in the digital age.

NNN: John Cage Water Walk

Sinzin: Diego Stocco - Experibass

Vladimir Mosunov: А в конце должна раздвигаться стена и входить чувак с гвоздями в голове.

NNN: Sho-bo-gen-zo, The path of true seeing Josef Nadj Nadj draws inspiration from Sho-bo-gen-zo, the holy book of Japanese Buddhism. From his Central European homeland, he looks to the wisdom of the Far East and investigates how it might inform and enlighten us. Humankind's timeless truth-seeking intentions are fundamental to the work. Regardless of our state of existence, to achieve true harmony, we need only be faithful to our truth-seeking desire. Shobogenzo is not a logical dissertation, nor is it illogical, rather it exists outside logic. It shows us how we might find inner freedom, happiness, universal peace and eternal truth. Performers: Jozef Nadj/Nagy Jozsef, Cecile Loyer, Joelle Leandre, Akosh S./Szelevenyi Akos Video: Ivan Attila, Design: Bicskei Zoltan, Costume making: Aleksandra Pesic, Props: Alexandre de Monte, Francia Gyula, Lighting: Dobo Laszlo, Sound: Daniel Davcik Assistant for director: Peter Gemza Music and arrangements: Joelle Leandre & Szelevenyi Akos Costume, decor: Nagy Jozsef/Jozef Nadj Director: Nagy Jozsef/Jozef Nadj

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